main Page Marking Period Class Student Category Assignments Grade Assignments Grade Key Reports
inetGrades allows educators to record student progress online for easy access by students and parents.

Save Time
Automate assignment organization, grade calculations and reporting.

Encourage Student Participation
Automated grade calculation enables real-time tracking, and encourages students to be more pro-active about their progress.

Easy One-Time Setup
Basic setup can be used year-after-year just by modifying names and dates. All instructions are online.

Please note: all data is fully password protected and available for changes and at any time, so you don't need to set up all your information at once.
Marking Periods Set Marking Periods to match those at your school.
Class Set-Up Set up your classes here. You can have up to 6 classes set up at any one time.
Student Set-Up Keep a master list of all your students. Students can view their grades on your inetTeacher website using a password that's generated here.
Category Set-Up Group Assignments into Categories such as homework, tests, quizzes...
Assignments Enter any class event you wish to grade - test, homework, quiz... You can add assignments now, or at any time before they need to be graded.
Grade Standard This is where you'll define your grade standard.
Grade Assignments Grade your assignments here. Our new Curve Tool lets you adjust the grades of any assignment.
Grade Reports View student grade reports here. You can generate reports by Class, or for individual Students.


Text or Excel Files

Reports can now be downloaded as comma delimited text files or in Excel 2000 format.

Now you can connect and work with inetGrades using a Secure SSL connection. Details.

Other Features...

 Points or Percentages

   Grade using Points or
   Percentages.  Details

 Flexible Setup
   5 Marking Periods 
   175 Students
   6 Classes
   Unlimited Assignments 

 Grade Curve Tool
   Easily adjust grades 
   based on class performance

 Viewing Grades 
  Built-in, password protected
  grade access for students and
  parents from your website.
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